Thursday, October 27, 2016

"Taking the language of Prop. 106 to its logical conclusion, an adult child is legally allowed to administer the lethal dose to his or her parent"

Margaret Dore, Esq.
To view similar information in a pdf format, see "Dore Memo Opposing Prop. 106," which can be viewed here and here.

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

Prop. 106 is sold as physician-assisted suicide in which a patient self-administers the lethal dose. In the fine print, Prop. 106 also allows euthanasia. This is true for two reasons: (1) Prop. 106 defines "medical aid in dying" (a euphemism for assisted suicide and euthanasia) as a "medical practice;" and (2) on close examination, self administration is not required.[1] See below.

Patients May Have Years or Decades to Live

William Toffler, MD
To view similar information in a pdf format, see "Dore Memo Opposing Prop. 106," which can be viewed here and here

By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

Prop. 106 applies to "terminal" persons predicted to have "less than six months to live." Such persons may actually have years or decades, to live. This is true for three reasons.

John Norton, A Cautionary Tale

John Norton
By Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA

In March 2012, I watched John Norton testify before the Joint Judiciary Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature. A person with ALS (Lou Gerhig's disease), he had been told at age 18 or 19 that he would die in three to five years from paralysis. Below find his story, at age 74, as set forth in this affidavit: 

Beware of Vultures: Senator Jennifer Fielder on Compassion & Choices

"I found myself wondering, 'Where does all the lobby money come from?' If it really is about a few terminally ill people who might seek help ending their suffering, why was more money spent on promoting assisted suicide than any other issue in Montana?"
By Senator Jennifer Fielder

As we wrangled through the budget this spring, the beautiful state capitol began to feel like a big, ripe carcass with a dark cloud of vultures circling about.  
Senator Jennifer Fielder

The magnitude of money in government attracts far more folks who want to be on the receiving end than it does those who just want fair and functional government. Until that ratio improves, it may be impossible to rein in unnecessary regulation and spending. 

Special interest groups spent over $6 million dollars on lobbyists to pressure Montana legislators during the 2013 session. Seems like a lot of money, until you compare it to the billions of taxpayer dollars at stake. Does the average taxpayer stand a chance against organized forces like that?

Compassion & Choices' Mission is to Promote Suicide

The push to enact Prop. 106 is being spearheaded by the suicide advocacy group, Compassion & Choices.

Compassion & Choices was formed in 2004 as the result of a merger/takeover of two other organizations.[1] One of these organizations was the former Hemlock Society, originally formed by Derek Humphry.[2]

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Even Law Enforcement is Denied Access to Information

In Oregon, even law enforcement is denied access to information about cases under Oregon’s law. Alicia Parkman, Mortality Specialist for the Oregon Health Authority, states:
We have been contacted by law enforcement and legal representatives in the past, but have not provided identifying information of any type.  (Emphasis added).[1]
Oregon attorney Isaac Jackson provides a similar account:
The [police] officer’s report . . . describe[d] that he was unable to get . . . information from the Oregon Health Authority . . . . [2]

Oregon’s Data Cannot be Verified

The State of Oregon (the Oregon Health Authority) publishes annual statistical reports about the people who died under Oregon’s law.  Much of this data cannot be verified due to a lack of record keeping and the destruction of source documentation. According to the Oregon Health Authority:
The identity of participating physicians is coded, but the identity of individual patients is not recorded in any manner.  Approximately one year from the publication of the Annual Report, all source documentation is destroyed.  (Emphasis added).[1]